Further information on temporary employment can be found in the facts and analyses or in the "Information sheet on the legal principles of temporary employment in Germany read on it.
An overview of our services
Personnel deployment
Flexible and goal-oriented response to changing personnel requirements with us by your side!
Personnel deployment
Temporary employment has proven itself in almost all sectors of the economy for years with flexible and low-risk personnel deployment. Tight schedules, unpredictable fluctuations in orders, or limited-time projects are exceptional situations that often overwhelm the existing personnel and can lead to profound economic downturns. Many companies use temporary employment as a strategic recruiting tool. The resulting personnel shortages can be compensated for by temporary workers at short notice. The same applies to peak vacation times or unexpectedly high illness rates. With our temporary workforce, you gain the opportunity for flexible personnel planning.

Cost savings
Save costs and time in personnel search, selection, and hiring of additional employees!
Cost savings
Hiring new employees involves countless phone calls, emails, and interviews, as well as the involvement of supervisors or even company owners. The hiring process takes a lot of time to check the applicants thoroughly and verify their suitability. Many things are left undone during this phase. Therefore, save on personnel costs for temporary employees. Because they are usually lower than those of your permanent employees. In addition, there are no fringe benefits costs, and we, as a temporary employment agency, cover the costs of absenteeism due to illness and vacation.

We reduce the time- and cost-intensive search for qualified personnel to a minimum for you. Professional staffing agencies post job advertisements, conduct interviews, and make a pre-selection. In addition, we have a permanent staff and applicants in the waiting loop with different qualifications and from various industries. This enables us to meet your personnel requests quickly and according to your needs. The advantages of temporary employment for companies are very extensive!
New impulses
Skilled workers and temporary workers often bring fresh ideas and insights from other companies!
New impulses
Temporary staffing is not limited to simple tasks. We also provide skilled workers and highly specialized experts upon request. This can create synergies. Especially skilled workers in temporary staffing often attend training and further education courses and are therefore always up to date with the latest developments in their fields. In addition, we have a permanent staff and applicants in the waiting loop with different qualifications and from various industries. This enables us to meet your personnel requests quickly and according to your needs.

When comparing permanent employment and temporary staffing, many companies find numerous business advantages with regards to temporary staffing.
Advantages for companies
Get an overview of your benefits with AP Personalexpert:
- No termination or default risks
- Time and cost savings
- Compensation of staff shortages
- Greater flexibility for your personnel management
- Qualified and motivated personnel
- Objective evaluation through quality standards
- Flexible calculation for fluctuations in orders
- Quick response time due to flat hierarchies
- No costs due to illness and vacation
- No notice periods
- No severance payments
- No costs for application procedures
- No advertising costs
- Short communication channels
- Motivated employees through fair wages
- Large nationwide network for cross-regional assignments
- Personal and competent support